Amyism #8

Grassroots Culture “Show me the pictures in your department’s offices and I will tell you whether you truly have a grassroots culture.”

Amyism #62

Grassroots Tactics “You can have the best advocacy plan for your grassroots volunteers, but if they aren’t persuaded that they need to get off their computers and in front of their legislators, it doesn’t matter. Do your volunteers know why...

Amyism #24

Grassroots Program Strategy “There are no accidents. Behind every bad result there is a worse strategy (or none at...

Amyism #58

Social Media vs. Social Capitol “Despite the fascination with social networks, they arent a secret grassroots weapon. The groups that have social capital among their members will have the edge. That was the case prior to onine networks, and its true today. In a...

Amyism #59

Astroturf Lobbying “When you can’t convince your own stakeholders to support your issues, and you have to pay someone else to gin up grassroots support, wouldn’t that be one of many red flags about your message, messenger, or...

Amyism #3

Growing Grassroots “A terrible thing happens when your senior managers do not know about your program-nothing!!”